Our Services

Perennial is a circular celebration of life facility, returning bodies to mother earth; reconnecting us to natural systems of regeneration and supporting the ritual honoring of death.

End of Life Technology

We support you through your grief by providing technology which simplifies the paperwork processes associated with grieving your loved ones, enabling you to focus on matters of the heart, mind and soul.

Earth First Transition Services

Earth First Transition (EFT) returns bodies to the soil as nature intended, aligned with the circle of life. EFT provides Soil Remembrance in place of ashes, so you can honor their life your own space, in your own form of ritual. EFT is earth positive, the most environmentally friendly form of death management, sequestering 25 lbs. of carbon and supporting soil health.

Celebration of Life + Somatic Experiences

We provide everything from classic curated celebrations to custom somatic healing services for the grieving; inclusive of unique offerings to Perennial such as mediumship connection coaching, embodied journaling and more.

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